
Updated at: 24 May 2019 00:00:06


Ensuring that two values are 1 away from each other abs(m-n)

if list is used at any time, always ask what happens if list is: 1. Empty/Size 1 2. Is increasing/decreasing continuously

In jump game, bounds are quickly surpassed when n=37. Nice to talk about possible integer bounds being surpassed. Python3.7 does not have a bound on its integer.

Think about the best case time complexity possible given the description of the problem.

Don’t forget about sorting

Steps: 1. Give a higher level idea of the solution 2. Give the expected time complexity

Arrays and Strings

Algorithms to consider: KMP

ASCII character set is 128 characters

If you have to modify something inplace, try doing it from the back Lists also support slicing assignment.

A[1:3] = “Ab”

!! When handling strings, remember that there exist upper case and lower case, and sometimes they are case insensitive

Nifty trick: return min(string, “.join(compressed), key=len)

Check if 1 substring is a subset of the other substring

Generating prefix arrays: B = [0] * (N+1) for i in range(N): B[i+1] = B[i] + A[i]

Good tips on monotonic queues:

Medians: Use two heaps


Always check if you are removing from the start of the linkedlist (requires reassignment of head ptr) Consider padding linkedlist with nodes infront (consider ctci sum lists, common ancestor)

Common ancestor of linkedlist and trees are similar


Be clear that its adding the piece at this position, checking if it works, and continue (in-place, so your helpers should not return the board but continue modifying the same board)

!! Backtracking should be done in-place

Binary Search

Binary search appears in funny places. If there is a bounds on the domains to search, try binary searching the value and applying some form of verifying algorithm


If need to do BFS, use a deque() Ask if there are duplicates (!) esp. in bst

Preorder traversal of trees are not unique, but preorder traversal of trees where the None nodes are marked with a special character are unique

When analysing complexity of graphs (Not trees) , consider edges as well.


Weaving two sets: Use the first element from first set as prefix, recurse. Use the first element from second set as prefix, recurse.

Useful Problems:

Reaching Points - work from the back instead of the front Odd-even Jumps - monotonic stacks: finding the next index on your right that is your ceiling Largest Window Area - monotonic deques: maintaing a sliding window of sorts

BinaryTreeCover - Recursion practice

About Python